
Showing posts from November, 2019

Women's sexual communication and sexual satisfaction

Notes from the study: Although 58.8% of female respondents reported having ever faked/pretended orgasm, 67.3% of those who had ever faked orgasm no longer did. Women who continued to fake orgasms were more likely to indicate embarrassment talking about sex with their partner in explicit ways and were less likely to agree that they and their partner are able to talk specifically about what makes sex more pleasurable for them. More than half (55.4%) of women reported they had wanted to communicate with a partner regarding sex but decided not to; the most common reasons were not wanting to hurt a partner’s feelings (42.4%), not feeling comfortable going into detail (40.2%), and embarrassment (37.7%). Greater self-reported sexual satisfaction was associated with more comfortable sexual communication

Indiana Bell moved a functioning building in 1930

In 1930, the Indiana Bell building - an 8-story steel and brick building built in 1907 - was moved 16 meters to the south, rotated 90 degrees, and then moved 30 meters to the west. The whole task took 4 weeks to complete. The work was done with such precision that the building continued to operate during the entire duration of the move. A movable wooden sidewalk allowed employees and the public to enter and leave the building at any time while the move was in progress. The company did not lose a single day of work nor interrupt their service during the entire period. Incredibly most of the power needed to move the building was provided by hand-operated jacks while a steam engine also offered some support. Each time the jacks were pumped, the house moved 3/8th of an inch. Source: An Incredible Move: The Indiana Bell Telephone Building, Here's a non-looping gif I also made:

Richest people in the world

Richest people in the world Here's a graph I also made back in September on the same topic. Back then Amancio Ortega was #5 and Mark Zuckerberg #6.

The vast difference of 1 million vs 1 billion

The vast difference of 1 million vs 1 billion

CCTV cameras per 1000 people

CCTV cameras per 1000 people. 

Births by age year of mother in the United States

Births by age year of mother in the United States

Highest-grossing films

Highest-grossing films 

A raw human male contains, on average, 143,770 calories

A raw human male contains, on average, 143,770 calories. As much as 2280 eggs or 1513 apples.

Technology adoption in US household

Technology adoption in US household

The impact of smartphones on the camera industry

This week we take a look at the impact smartphones had on the camera industry.  Few industries have been hit as hard as the camera industry by the advent of Smartphones.  The camera industry saw slow but steady growth from the  beginning of the 1950s up until the late 90s, when the advent of digital cameras gave rise to an explosion in  camera  sales. Up until then, owning and operating a camera was a costly  endeavour  as a 35mm camera roll, the most common at the time, would only take up to 36 shots and you would then have to pay someone to develop these shots on paper. Then, the digital camera arrived, and took the world

Number of paid music streaming subscribers worldwide

Number of paid music streaming subscribers worldwide 

Tarrare was an 18th-century French noted for his unusual eating habits

Tarrare, was an 18th-century French showman and soldier, noted for his unusual eating  habits. He became the subject of medical experiments  to test his eating capacity, in which, among other things, he ate a meal intended for 15 people in a single sitting, ate live cats, snakes, lizards, and puppies, and swallowed a large eel alive without chewing.

Public opinion of same-sex relations in the United States

Public opinion of same-sex relations in the United States 

The Sacred Band of Thebes was a troop of soldiers, consisting of 150 pairs of male lovers

The Sacred Band of Thebes (Ancient Greek Ἱερὸς Λόχος, Hieròs Lókhos) was a troop of select soldiers, consisting of 150 pairs of male lovers which formed the elite force of the Theban army in the 4th century BC.jpg

Original Netflix Content

Original Netflix Content

Public opinion of sex before marriage

Public opinion of sex before marriage

The saxophone is named after its inventor, Adolphe Sax

The saxophone is named after its inventor, Adolphe Sax. He also invented the saxhorn, saxotromba, and saxtuba, which didn't all catch on.

Rate of pregnancy during the first year of contraceptive use

Rate of pregnancy during the first year of use.

Best-selling books of all time in the UK

Best-selling books of all time in the UK

A piece of paper folded in half 103 times will be thicker than then universe

If you could fold a piece of paper in half 103 times, the paper would be thicker than then observable universe

The most visited websites worldwide

The most visited websites worldwide. Sums of visits (non-unique) per month. (for the month of May 2019)

Men's and women's sexual behaviors over the past year

Men's and women's sexual behaviors over the past year

The film Titanic cost more than the Titanic itself

The film Titanic cost more than the Titanic itself. At $200 million, the movie cost more than the Titanic itself. The cost to construct the ship in 1910-1912 was £1.5 million, equivalent to $7.5 million at the time and about $120 to $150 million in 1997 dollars.

Greenhouse gas emissions of protein from various sources

The mean greenhouse gas emissions of getting 100 grams of protein from beef, lamb, farmed crustacean, cheese, pork, farmed fish, poultry, eggs, peanuts and beans

Passenger fatalities per billion passenger miles

Passenger fatalities per billion passenger miles

A man with older brothers is more likely to be gay than a man without

A man with older brothers is more likely to be gay than a man without older brothers. Each additional older brother increases the probability of being gay by about one-third. This effect is called the fraternal birth order effect

Time it takes to watch all the movies in the highest-grossing film franchises

How long does it take to watch all the movies in the highest-grossing film franchises.

How couples meet over the years

How heterosexual and homosexual couples meet over the years. The heterosexual graph is courtesy of The Washington Post  

The Morgue was an attraction in Paris where people would gather to identify bodies

The Morgue was a public attraction in 1800s Paris where people would gather in hopes of identifying bodies that were picked up off the streets or  fished out of the Seine.  Some of the bodies became so famous,  that they drew up to 40,000 people in a single day.  

Nudity per Season of Game of Thrones

Nudity per Season of Game of Thrones

Unit sales of video game consoles worldwide

Unit sales of video game consoles worldwide from 2006 to 2018 (in million)

Percentage of Americans with passports over time

Percentage of Americans with passports over time.  "Over the past 30 years, the share of U.S. citizens holding a passport has increased dramatically. Last year, a grand total of 21.4 million passports were issued in the U.S., the highest number ever recorded. Putting that number into perspective, a mere 6.3 million were issued back in 1997. That year, only 15 percent of Americans possessed a passport, though that's still far more than in 1990 when just four percent had one, according to the BBC. The pace of growth accelerated further in January 2007 when U.S. citizens traveling by air between the U.S. and Canada, Mexico, Central and South America, the Caribbean, and Bermuda were required to have a valid passport. Previously, it was possible for them to enter those countries without one but the law was changed in the aftermath of 9/11. Congress passed the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act in 2004 which mandated the development of a plan requiring all forei

As late as 1939, the United States had a well-developed plan to invade Canada

As late as 1939, the United States had a well-developed plan to invade Canada. In 1935, Congress went so far as to approve $57 million to update the plan and fund the construction “of three military airfields disguised as civilian airports on the Canadian border, which would be used to launch preemptive strikes against Canadian air forces and defenses.”

Global Mobile Internet Traffic Share

Global Mobile Internet Traffic Share 

The history of the word "OK"

The word “okay” originated in Boston in the 1830s when it was popular to abbreviate phrases using the first letters of each word, such as “KC” for “knuff ced” (enough said) and “OW” for “oll wright” (all right). Only one survived: “OK” for “oll korrect.” (Martin Van Buren used the phrase in his 1840 campaign.)

Number of craft beer breweries in the United States in 2017 by state

Number of craft beer breweries in the United States in 2017 by state

Average Revenue per User per Year

Average Revenue per User per Year

A horse has a peak horsepower of 14.9 horsepower

A horse has a peak horsepower of 14.9 horsepower

Global Internet Gaming Traffic Share

Global Internet Gaming Traffic Share

There are only two escalators in the state of Wyoming

There are only two escalators in the state of Wyoming

CEO-to-Workers Compensation Ratio

CEO-to-Workers Compensation Ratio: CEOs make 312 times more than typical workers CEOs make 312 times more than typical workers.CEO annual compensation is computed using the “options realized” compensation series for CEOs at the top 350 U.S. firms ranked by sales. The “options realized” series includes salary, bonus, restricted stock grants, options realized, and long-term incentive payouts. Projected value for 2017 is based on the change in CEO pay as measured from June 2016 to June 2017 applied to the full-year 2016 value. “Typical worker” compensation is the average annual compensation of the workers in the key industry of the firms in the sample. 

Neighbours of lottery winners are more likely to go bankrupt

Neighbors of lottery winners are more likely than average to go bankrupt

Percentage of people using the internet in the US and EU

Percentage of people using the internet in the US and EU

The five largest companies in 2008 vs 2018

The five largest companies in 2008 vs 2018

Salmon sushi was introduced to Japan by the Norwegians in 1986

Salmon sushi was introduced to Japan by the Norwegians in 1986

Number of new movies per year

Number of new movies per year

How do you escape a T.Rex? Just outrun it!

How do you escape a T.Rex? Just outrun it! The maximum speed of a T.Rex is 12 mph while most humans run 10 to 15 mph on average.

From the time it was discovered until now, Pluto hasn’t completed a single orbit

From the time it was discovered until now, Pluto hasn’t completed a single orbit. And it won’t for another 160 years. Pluto was discovered in 1930 and its orbital period is currently about 248 years.