Jeff Bezos net worth pixel comparison

Jeff Bezos net worth pixel comparison
Jeff Bezos net worth

This week we take a look at Jeff Bezo's Net Worth. 

Jeff Bezos Net Worth is $145.4B according to Forbes

Queen Elizabeth's Net Worth is $530,000,000 according to Business Insider

Every app on the App Store is about $1,720,000 according to this graphic from Statista.

Every game on Steam is $248,000, excluding DLCs. To get to that number I multiplied the total number of games on Steam, with the average price of every game on the platform. To find the average I consulted SteamDB. I located the 5 users with the most games on their library and divided their number of games with the value of their library. Then I used the mean of those 5, which is $8.29 per game. 

The cost to purchase a Tesla Model S, a Model 3 a Model X and Model Y on max specs is $348,980 according to on 5/10/2020.

Adele's Net Worth is 190,000,000 according to

The Nobel Prize cash prize for 2020 is $935,366 according to

One tonne of gold (1,000kg, 2,204.6 pounds) is valued at $1,742.33 per oz according to

A brand new Airbus A380 is $445,600,000 according to Airbus.

The annual median personal income on the US for 2016 is 31,099 according to the U.S. Census Bureau. 

A 12,4 acres (50,316sqm) island in Greece costs $9,873,441.00 according to SothersbyRealty
